• Telehealth Physiotherapy



If you live outside of Whitehorse or just want easy access to a physiotherapist from the comfort of your home, then Telehealth is for you. Telehealth involves meeting with your physiotherapist using technology. Holm Therapy utilizes Jane for scheduling, charting and telehealth. Through Jane telehealth you can discuss your treatment plan, diagnoses, exercises, daily activities or any other questions you may have directly with a physiotherapist. You can also message your physiotherapist through our exercise software Physitrack for general inquiries between your scheduled sessions. Appointments are competitively priced with traditional physiotherapy clinics, the cost of which is reimbursable under your extended healthcare plan. The fee not only includes your face to face session but messaging between sessions. We offer direct billing to multiple providers.


Please refer to our online booking service for more information or feel free to contact us.

*Each new consultation requires a 30-minute initial assessment with your physio. Follow ups will then be 20 minutes. This differs for Yukon Workers Compensation claims.

We can help with:

  • Improving strength & mobility
  • Acute & chronic musculoskeletal injuries
  • Pre and post surgical rehab
  • Acute & chronic musculoskeletal injuries
  • Arthritis management
  • Falls prevention

Jane Telehealth and Physitrack Features:

  • Face to face consultation with your physiotherapist
  • Real time streaming of your exercises for demonstrations and modifications through Physitrack
  • Ergonomic assessments and lifestyle modification educational documents

What to expect:

  • Thorough assessment, diagnosis & treatment
  • Customized treatment plan & exercise program
  • Dedicated one-on-one time with your physiotherapist
  • Ongoing support via email or phone
  • Collaboration with your healthcare team

What you will need:

  • Computer, tablet or phone with microphone (iOS or Android)
  • Internet connection
  • Jane online Appointments app (ios devices) or Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge browser
  • Bandwidth min 300kbps
  • Your therapist may request that you expose the area being treated; shorts and tank tops are recommended.
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